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Movie Review: 'Baby Driver' Is This Summer's Blockbuster Movie

Elgort, Foxx, Gonzalez, Hamm

This past Wednesday, Edgar Wright's newest film "Baby Driver" was released in theaters and ever since has been receiving rave reviews that I 100% agree with. I'll try to remain unbiased here as Ansel Elgort is one of my favorite actors. Elgort plays young and innocent getaway driver, Baby, who uses music as a tool to drown out the ringing in his ears. Baby who works for Atlanta crime boss, Doc, (Kevin Spacey) gets himself caught up into trouble with this killer group as his love interest Debora (Lily James) gets in between Baby's work. Eiza Gonzalez, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, and Jon Bernthal also star in this movie as evil accomplices.

This movie may seem just action and no fun, but Baby Driver blew me away. I was a bit wary at first to see this movie as I'm not a huge action and car heist film fan, but with the addition of a phenomenal soundtrack and great humor this movie has launched itself up in my all time favorite movies list.

Compared to other action films, music played a large part. As in most movies the focus of music is to cover up silences, but in "Baby Driver" Wright built a killer soundtrack that included Queen and the Commodores to go along with the heists, the beat of someone's fingers, the closing of a door, and the several explosions in the film. The music coming out of Baby's headphones or out of a radio played a major role in the film and appropriately expressed the mood in the scene. In some heist scenes, Baby wouldn't move the car until he chose the perfect song which I found hilarious and very fitting.

"Baby Driver" also proves that a film can be vicious and cruel while still withholding humor and being heartfelt. Baby's foster dad, Joseph, (CJ Jones) who is mute provides this movie with its bit of dignity and innocence as Baby uses sign language to communicate. Wright made "Baby Driver" a revolutionary film with its mix of crime, humor, romance, and music.

I did think the chemistry could have been better between Baby and Debora, but it was still believable. Foxx, Bernthal, Gonzalez, and Hamm all played intense characters that were hard to like, but Baby was very lovable despite his crimes. Baby got caught up in the business of crime and was drawn back in by Doc after he paid his debt, but he remained innocent throughout the whole film. My bias beside for my love of Elgort, but I believe Wright could not have chose anyone better for the role of Baby. Like Baby, Elgort also produces his own music and can carry the rhythm well.

With this film I hope Elgort's roles expand as he has proved he can live up to and hold his own lines to the stellar and experienced Spacey, Hamm, and Foxx. Elgort shined in this movie and played an unforgettable Baby.

Go see "Baby Driver" as soon as you can. You will not be disappointed by the brilliant cast, music, and humor that adds character to an otherwise intense film. Overall: you DO NOT have to be an action film fan to enjoy this movie.

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