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What I Learned During My First Semester of College

I can't believe I actually survived my first semester of college. It really does go by fast. My first semester was filled with some surprises, new friends, fun outings, and valuable lessons that I learned beyond the classroom. Looking back to move-in day, I was so incredibly nervous. I was unsure of what to expect: what my dorm would look like, what college classes would be like, unsure of if I'll make good friends, and the list goes on and on. I had such a set schedule and routine in high school that I wasn't sure if I could pull off college and scrap my old routine. My first semester of college was nothing like the movies, but after making some lifelong friends and completing my first semester with a fantastic GPA, I'm positive for the future and where college will take me. I've learned so much during these 15-weeks, possibly more than my whole high school career and I just have to share my list with you guys...

  1. It may be fun to hang out with friends, but sometimes you just gotta take some time for yourself.

  2. Staying in on a Friday and/or Saturday night and watching a movie is sometimes better than going out.

  3. No one cares what you look like walking through the hall after a shower.

  4. Elevators suck especially when you’re on the 9th floor.

  5. Avoid doing laundry on a Sunday afternoon/evening. You’ll be fighting for a washer and dryer.

  6. Two words: shower shoes.

  7. You won’t remain good friends with the people you met and hung out with during orientation. Same goes for the people you meet in Facebook groups and group chats when first accepted.

  8. Professors who curve grades and/or allows extra credit are a blessing.

  9. Renting books are the way to go.

  10. Start thinking about study abroad, internships, etc early!

  11. College is wayyy more diverse than high school– at least mine. It's fun to venture out and meet people who come from different backgrounds and experiences.

  12. Go to office hours.

  13. College >>> High School

  14. Make time for studying.

  15. Find where you study best: your dorm, a cafe, the library, etc.

  16. Time management is key.

  17. You won’t find your soul mate within the first week of college. Don’t worry.

  18. Make friends with upperclassmen. You’ll get to know the ins and outs.

  19. Work studies are Godsent. You basically get paid for doing homework.

  20. Dining hall food is gross. You’ll get sick of it.

  21. Floor meetings aren’t THAT bad.

  22. Brace yourself for all the ice breakers the first week of class.

  23. You will get to know all the shortcuts to class.

  24. Meet with your advisor ASAP to be able to sign up for spring semester classes. They’re the ones that clear you.

  25. Taking more college credit classes in high school would have been helpful.

  26. Find the dining hall with the best food.

  27. Go to that club fair. You’ll want to have some options for clubs to join.

  28. You don’t have to stick with the first major your chose.

  29. Invest in good shoes and jacket for chilly walks to class.

  30. Sometimes you will pregame harder than you party.

  31. Use dating apps. At least you won’t find creepy guys from your hometown on there.

  32. The first time coming home after move-in is always the best. Savor the moment.

  33. Pet that dog on the street!!!!

  34. Take time for self care.

  35. You get used to noise super quickly.

  36. You probably won’t wear half the outfits you bring with you.

  37. Having a fridge and microwave is a must.

  38. Take advantage of student discounts.

  39. Go outside your comfort zone. You'll be thankful.

  40. FaceTime your friends and family. Ask them about your day. Sometimes they really need you just like you need them.

  41. Group projects suck. Need I say more?

  42. College campus squirrels are crackheads.

  43. Take lots of pictures and videos.

  44. First semester goes by fast. Enjoy it.

Ahhh this was SO long, but I've really learned a plentiful amount. And a lot of these I've learned through mistakes and trial and error. I'm absolutely loving college life and all the new experiences and friends it has already provide me with. Spring semester please be good.

P.S: I'm blogging a lot lately because I have loads of free time during my winter break. Expect to see lots more posts the next few weeks!

Sarah, xo

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